When is the Right Time to Change Your Furnace Filter?

When was the last time you changed your furnace filter? If it's been six months, a year, or even since you moved into the house, it's time to replace it. The general consensus among HVAC professionals is that you should replace your furnace filter every 90 days or every three months. However, this depends on the thickness of the filter. Thicker filters have more room to pick up dirt and dust, so they don't need to be changed as often.

Thomas & Galbraith Heating, Cooling and Plumbing of Ohio recommends replacing filters that are less than 2 inches thick every 30 to 90 days. Three- or 4-inch filters can last 6 to 9 months, and filters up to 6 inches thick can be replaced once a year. If you notice that the filter is very discolored and covered with dust or hair, this is a clear sign that it needs to be replaced. It's likely that the particles in this dirty filter will spread through the air in your home.

In most cases, you should replace the filter at least every three months, even in summer. If you can't seem to remember to do it, a good rule of thumb is to change the furnace filter every time the seasons change. For 3- and 4-inch filters, plan a replacement approximately every six to nine months. If you have larger 5- or 6-inch filters, you'll need to change them every nine to 12 months.

Dirty furnace filters are a disaster for heating and cooling equipment, home comfort, and indoor air quality. To help solve this conundrum, here is some information on how often you should change your furnace filter. According to The Home Depot, the air quality where you live can affect how often your furnace filter needs to be changed. The basic consensus among HVAC professionals is that you should replace your furnace filter every 90 days or every three months. Indoor air quality equipment, such as air purifiers and air filters, reduce the volume of pollutants, so there are fewer particles for the furnace filter to capture.

In homes without this equipment, the furnace filter is the only line of defense against pollutants in the air, so it fills up faster. Filters play a vital role in the overall operation of your furnace and can have a notable impact on your home's air quality. And since installing a new furnace costs thousands of dollars, it's in your financial interest to take good care of the one you have. The filters are designed to trap dust and airborne particles as air passes through the filter into the furnace system. First, check with your furnace manufacturer to see what they recommend and what filter size your furnace needs.

Next, we'll discuss the basics of changing your furnace filter, including when (and how) to do it and why it's important. Because changing furnace filters is so important, here are some strategies to make sure you remember to perform this essential household maintenance task. Your furnace will need to work harder to pump air through a clogged filter, which will increase your energy bills and shorten its life. However, northerners whose furnaces have no rest for months may want to change their filter every 30 to 60 days because more air is being drawn through the filter and it will clog more quickly. If you forget to change your furnace filter, your system may give you some signs that it needs replacing.

You may wonder why it's so important to change the filter and why this gets so much attention in the HVAC industry. It's easy to skip a filter change when your HVAC equipment is hidden out of sight, but this important task should become a priority.

Nina Siegwarth
Nina Siegwarth

Certified foodaholic. Incurable web specialist. Incurable web advocate. Friendly internet specialist. Evil music aficionado.

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